

Park, C.S., Yan, M., Zhu, M., Akram, M.A., Foster, N.N., Bennecke, A., Choi, C., Marrett, K., Moradi, K., Zhang, J.Y., Magat, G., Nanda, S., Vaca, R., Wijaya, K., Zablan, J.R., Lee, S., Song, C., Lara, M.J., Louie, M., Cong, J., Kim, Y., Ascoli, G.A., Langfelder, P., Tward, D., Dong, H., Yang, X.W., 2024. Dendritome Mapping Unveils Spatial Organization of Striatal D1/D2-Neuron Morphology. bioRxiv, pp.2024.10.24.619934. [click here for paper]


Wang, N., Zhang, S., Langfelder, P., Ramanathan, L, Plascencia, M., Gao, F., Vaca, R., Gu, X., Deng, L., Dionisio, L.E., Prasad, B. C., Vogt, T., Horvath, S., Aaronson. J. S., Rosinski, J. Yang, X. W.,  2024. Msh3 and Pms1 Set Neuronal CAG-Repeat Migration Rate to Drive Selective Striatal and Cortical Pathogenesis in HD Mice. bioRxiv, pp.2024.07.09.602815. [click here for paper]


DiFiglia, M., Leavitt, B. R., Macdonald, D., Thompson, L. M., & Huntington’s Disease Nomenclature Working Group: (2024). Towards Standardizing Nomenclature in Huntington’s Disease Research. Journal of Huntington’s disease, 13(2), 119-131. [click here for paper]


Park, J., Wang, J., Guan, W., Gjesteby, L. A., Pollack, D., Kamentsky, L., Evans, N. B., Stirman, J., Gu, X., Zhao, C., Marx, S., Kim, M. E., Choi, S. W., Snyder, M., Chavez, D., Su-Arcaro, C., Tian, Y., Park, C. S., Zhang, Q., Yun, D. H., Moukheiber, M., Feng, G., Yang, X. W., Keene, C. D., Hof, P. R., Ghosh, S. S., Frosch, M. P., Brattain, L. J., Chung, K., 2024. Integrated platform for multiscale molecular imaging and phenotyping of the human brain. Science384(6701), eadh9979. [click here for paper]


Li, C. Z., Haghani, A., Yan, Qi., Lu, A. T., Zhang, J., Fei, Z., Ernst, J., Yang, X. W., Gladyshev, V. N., Robeck, T. R., Chavez, A. S., Cook, J. A., Dunnum, J. L., Raj, K., Seluanov, A., Gorbunova, V., Horvath, S., 2024. Epigenetic predictors of species maximum life span and other life-history traits in mammals. Science Advances. 10, eadm7273 (2024). [click here for paper]


Sun, X., Liu, L., Wu, C., Li, X., Guo, J., Zhang, J., Guan, J., Wang, N., Gu, L., Yang, X. W., & Li, G. M., 2024. Mutant huntingtin protein induces MLH1 degradation, DNA hyperexcision, and cGAS-STING-dependent apoptosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, pp. 121(13), e2313652121. [click here for paper]


Marrett, K., Moradi, K., Park, C.S., Yan, M., Choi, C., Zhu, M., Akram, M., Nanda, S., Xue, Q., Mun, HS., Gutierez, A., Rudd, M., Zingg, B., Magat, G., Wijaya, K., Dong, H., Yang, X. W., Cong, J., 2024. Gossamer: Scaling Image Processing and Reconstruction to Whole Brains. bioRxiv, pp.2024.04. 07.588466. [click here for paper]


Dionisio, L.E.,  Langfelder, P.,  Aaronson, J.S., Rosinski, J., Yang, X. W., 2024. Systems biology study of Huntington’s disease. Huntington’s Disease, pp.353-396. [click here for paper]



O’Reilly, D., Belgrad, J., Ferguson, C., Summers, A., Sapp, E., McHugh, C., Mathews, E., Boudi, A., Buchwald, J., Ly, S., Moreno, D., Furgal, R., Luu, E., Kennedy, Z., Hariharan, V., Monopoli, K., Yang, X. W., Carroll, J., DiFiglia, M., Aronin, N., and Khvorova, A., 2023. Di-valent siRNA-mediated silencing of MSH3 blocks somatic repeat expansion in mouse models of Huntington’s disease. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy, pp.1661–1674. [click here for paper]


Sun, Y., Dai, H., Dai, X., Yin, J., Cui, Y., Liu, X., Gonzalez, G., Yuan, J., Tang, F., Wang, N. and Perlegos, A.E., 2023. m1A in CAG repeat RNA binds to TDP-43 and induces neurodegeneration. Nature, pp.1-8. [click here for paper]


Wilton, D.K., Mastro, K., Heller, M.D., Gergits, F.W., Willing, C.R., Fahey, J.B., Frouin, A., Daggett, A., Gu, X., Kim, Y.A. and Faull, R.L., 2023. Microglia and complement mediate early corticostriatal synapse loss and cognitive dysfunction in Huntington’s disease. Nature medicine, pp.1-19. [click here for paper]


Haghani, A., Li, C. Z., Robeck, T. R., Zhang, J., Lu, A. T., Ablaeva, J., … & Singh, K. (2023). DNA methylation networks underlying mammalian traits. Science381(6658), eabq5693. [click here for paper]


Lee, C. D., De La Rocha, A. J., Inouye, K., Langfelder, P., Daggett, A., Gu, X., … & Yang, X. W. (2023). BAC Transgenic Expression of Human TREM2-R47H Remodels Amyloid Plaques but Unable to Reprogram Plaque-associated Microglial Reactivity in 5xFAD Mice. bioRxiv, 2023-08. [click here for paper]



Wang, N., Langfelder, P., Stricos, M., Ramanathan, L., Richman, J. B., Vaca, R., … & Yang, X. W. (2022). Mapping brain gene coexpression in daytime transcriptomes unveils diurnal molecular networks and deciphers perturbation gene signatures. Neuron110(20), 3318-3338. [click here for paper]


Gu, X., Richman, J., Langfelder, P., Wang, N., Zhang, S., Bañez-Coronel, M., Yang, L., Ramanathan, L., Deng, L., … and Yang, X.W. (2022). Uninterrupted CAG repeat drives striatum-selective transcriptinopathy and nuclear pathogenesis in human Huntingtin BAC mice. Neuron, 110: 1-20 [click here for paper]


Dionisio, L., Yang, X.W. (2022). Group dynamics goes awry: PolyQ-expanded huntingtin gains unwanted partners. Cell Systems, 13: 268-270 [click here for paper]


Muñoz-Castañeda, R., Zingg, B., Matho, K. S., Chen, X., Wang, Q., Foster, N. N., … and Dong, H. W. (2021). Cellular anatomy of the mouse primary motor cortex. Nature598(7879), 159-166. [click here for paper], PMID: 34616071


Peng, H., Xie, P., Liu, L., Kuang, X., Wang, Y., Qu, L.,  … and Zeng, H. (2021). Morphological diversity of single neurons in molecularly defined cell types. Nature598(7879), 174-181. [click here for paper], PMID: 34616072


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Haghani, A., Lu, A.T., Li, C.Z., Robeck, T.R., Belov, K., Breeze, C.E., Brooke, R.T., Clarke, S., Faulkes, C.G., Fei, Z., Ferguson, S.H., Finno, C.J., Gladyshev, V.N., Gorbunova, V., Goya, R.G., Hogan, A.N., Hogg, C.J., Hore, T.A., Kiaris, H., Kordowitzki, P., Banks, G., Koski, W.R., Mozhui, K., Naderi, A., Ostrander, E.A., Parsons, K.M., Plassains, J., Robbins, J., Sears, K.E., Seluanov, A., Steinman, K.J., Szladovits, B., Thompson, M.J., Villar, D., Wang, N., Wilkinson, G.S., Young, B.G., Zhang, J., Zoller, J.A., Ernst, J., Yang, X.W., Raj, K. and Horvath, S. (2021). DNA Methylation Networks Underlying Mammalian Traits. bioRxiv.


Morozko, E.L., Smith-Geater, C., Monteys, A.M., Pradhan, S., Lim, R.G., Langfelder, P., Kachemov, M., Hill, A., Stocksdale, J.T., Cullis, P.R., Wu, J., Ochaba, J., Miramontes, R., Chakraborty, A., Hazra, T.K., Lau, A., St-Cyr, S., Orellana, I., Kopan, L., Wang, K.Q., Yeung, S., Leavitt, B.R., Reidling, J.C., Yang, X.W., Steffan, J.S., Davidson, B.L., Sarkar, P.S. and Thompson, L.M. (2021). PIAS1 modulates striatal transcription, DNA damage repair, and SUMOylation with relevance to Huntington’s disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118(4). PMCID: PMC7848703


Lu, A.T., Fei, Z., Haghani, A., Robeck, T.R., Zoller, J.A., Li, C.Z., Zhang, J., Ablaeva, J., Adams, D.M., Almunia, J., Wang, N., Yang, X.W. and J. Ardehali, R. (2021). Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues. bioRxiv.


Lee, C.D., Wang, N., Shen, K., Stricos, M., Langfelder, P., Cheon, K.H., Cortés, E.P., Vinters, H.V., Vonsattel, J.P., Wexler, N.S. and Damoiseaux, R., Frydman, J., Yang, X.W. (2020). Disease-related Huntingtin seeding activities in cerebrospinal fluids of Huntington’s disease patients. Scientific reports10(1), pp.1-14. PMCID: PMC7679413



Peng, H., Xie, P., Liu, L., Kuang, X., Wang, Y., Qu, L., … & Ding, L. (2020). Brain-wide single neuron reconstruction reveals morphological diversity in molecularly defined striatal, thalamic, cortical and claustral neuron types. bioRxiv. 675280.


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Foster, N. N., Korobkova, L., Garcia, L., Gao, L., Becerra, M., Sherafat, Y., … & Zingg, B. (2020). The mouse cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic network. bioRxiv.


Veldman, M.B., Park C.S., Eyermann, C.M., Zhang. J.Y., Zuniga-Sanchez, E., Hirano, A.A., Daigle, T.L., Foster, N.N., Zhu, M., Langfelder, P., Lopez, I.A., Brecha, N.C., Zipursky, S.L., Zeng, H., Dong, H.-W., Yang, X.W. (2020). Brainwide Genetic Sparse Cell Labeling to Illuminate the Morphology of Neurons and Glia with Cre-dependent MORF Mice. Neuron. [click here for paper]


Lu, A.T., Narayan, P., Grant, M.J., Langfelder, P., Wang, N., Kwak, S., Wilkinson, H., Chen, R.Z., Chen, J., Simon Bawden, C., Rudiger, S.R., Ciosi, M., Chatzi, A., Maxwell, A., Hore, T.A., Aaronson, J., Rosinski, J., Preiss, A., Vogt, T.F., Coppola, G., Monckton, D., Snell, R.G., Yang, X.W., Horvath, S. (2020) DNA methylation study of Huntington’s disease and motor progression in patients and in animal models. Nat Commun. 11(1): 4529.


Lee C.Y.D., Yang X.W. (2020). Huntington’s Disease: Genome-wide Neuroprotection Screening Goes Viral. Neuron. 106(1): 76-89.



Tian X., Richard A., El-Saadi M.W., Bhandari A., Latimer B., Van Savage I., Holmes K., Klein R.L., Dwyer D., Goeders N.E., Yang X.W., Lu X.H. (2019). Dosage sensitivity intolerance of VIPR2 microduplication is disease causative to manifest schizophrenia-like phenotypes in a novel BAC transgenic mouse model. Molecular Psychiatry. 1-18.


Li H.L., Li X.Y., Dong Y., Zhang Y.B., Cheng H.R., Gan S.R., Liu Z.J., Ni W., Burgunder J.M., Yang X.W., Wu Z.Y. (2019). Clinical and Genetic Profiles in Chinese Patients with Huntington’s Disease: A Ten-year Multicenter Study in China. Aging and Disease. 10(5): 1003-1011.


Li R., Zhu M., Li J., Bienkowski M.S., Foster N.N., Xu H., Ard T., Bowman I., Zhou C., Veldman M.B., Yang X.W., Hintiryan H., Zhang J., Dong H.W. (2019). Precise segmentation of densely interweaving neuron clusters using G-Cut. Nat Commun. 10(1): 1549.


Wang N., Yang X.W. (2019). Huntington Disease’s glial progenitor cells hit the pause button in the mouse brain. Cell Stem Cell. 24(1): p3-4.



Lee C.Y.D., Daggett A., Gu X., Jiang L.L., Langfelder P., Li X., Wang N., Zhao Y., Park C.S., Cooper Y., Ferando I., Mody I., Coppola G., Xu H., Yang X.W. (2018). Elevated TREM2 gene dosage reprograms microglia responsivity and ameliorates pathological phenotypes in Alzheimer’s disease models. Neuron. 97(5): 1032-1048.

[UCLA press release]  [Alzforum] [Alzforum: 2018-a year in research]


Langfelder P., Gao F., Wang N., Howland D., Kwak S., Vogt T.F., Aaronson J.S., Rosinski J., Coppola G., Horvath S., Yang X.W. (2018). MicroRNA signatures of endogenous Huntingtin CAG repeat expansion in mice. PLoS One.  13(1): e0190550.


Victor M.B., Richner M., Olsen H.E., Lee S.W., Monteys A.M., Ma C., Huh C.J., Zhang B., Davidson B.L., Yang X.W., Yoo A.S. (2018). Striatal neurons directly converted from Huntington’s disease patient fibroblasts recapitulate age-associated disease phenotypes. Nature Neurosci. [Epub ahead of print]


Veldman M.B., Yang X.W. (2018).  Molecular insights into cortico-striatal miscommunications in Huntington’s disease. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 48: 79-89.



Yau R.G., Doerner K., Castellanos E.R., Haakonsen D.L., Werner A., Wang N., Yang X.W., Martinez-Martin N., Matsumoto M.L., Dixit V.M., Rape M. (2017).  Assembly and function of heterotypic ubiquitin chains in cell-cycle and protein quality control.  Cell.  171(4): 918-933.e20.


Veldman M.B., Yang X.W. (2017).  Huntington’s disease: nuclear gatekeepers under attack.  Neuron. 94: 1-4.


Lu X.H., Yang X.W. (2017).  Genetically-directed sparse neuronal labeling in BAC transgenic mice through mononucleotide repeat frameshift. Sci Rep. 7: 43915.


Southwell A.L., Skotte N.H., Villaneuva E.B., Østergaard M.E., Gu X., Kordasiewicz H.B., Kay C., Cheung D., Yuanyun X., Waltl S., Del Cengio L., Findlay-Black H., Doty C.N., Petoukhov E., Iworima D., Slama R., Ooi J., Pouladi M.A., Yang X.W., Swayze E.E., Seth P.P., Hayden M.R. (2017). A novel humanized mouse model of Huntington disease for preclinical development of therapeutics targeting mutant huntingtin alleles. Hum Mol Genet. 26(6): 1115-1132.



Yang X.W. (2016). Life and death rest on a bivalent chromatin state. Nature Neurosci. 19(10): 1271-3.


Hintiryan H., Foster N.N., Bowman I., Bay M., Song M.Y., Gou L., Yamashita S., Bienkowski M.S., Zingg B., Zhu M., Yang X.W., Shih J.C., Toga A.W., Dong H.W. (2016). The mouse cortico-striatal projectome. Nature Neurosci. 19: 1100-14.


Horvath S., Langfelder P., Kwak S., Aaronson J., Rosinski J., Vogt T.F., Eszes M., Faull R.L., Curtis M.A., Waldvogel H.J., Choi O.W., Tung S., Vinters H.V., Coppola G., Yang X.W. (2016). Huntington’s disease accelerates epigenetic aging of human brain and disrupts DNA methylation levels. Aging (Albany NY). 8: 1485-512.


Kratter, I.H., Zahed H., Lau A., Tsvetkov A.S., Daub A.C., Weiberth K.F., Gu X., Saudou F., Humbert S., Yang X.W., Osmand A., Steffan J.S., Masliah E., Finkbeiner S. (2016). Serine 421 regulates mutant huntingtin toxicity and clearance in mice. J Clin Invest. 126(9): 3585-97.


Xu, J., Bernstein, A., Wong, A., Lu, X., Khoja, S., Yang, X.W., Davies, D.L., Micevych, P., Sofroniew, M.V., Khakh, B.S. (2016). P2X4 Receptor Reporter Mice: Sparse Brain Expression and Feeding-Related Presynaptic Facilitation in the Arcuate Nucleus. J Neuroscience. 36: 8902-8920.


Chandra, A., Sharma, A., Calingasan, N.Y., White, J.M., Shurubor, Y., Yang, X.W., Beal, M.F. and Johri, A. (2016). Enhanced Mitochondrial Biogenesis Ameliorates Disease Phenotype in a Full-Length Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease. Hum Mol Gen. 25(11): 2269-2282.


Langfelder, P., Cantle, J.P., Chatzopoulou, D., Wang, N., Gao, F., Al-Ramahi, I., Lu, X.H., Ramos, E.M., El-Zein, K., Zhao, Y., Deverasetty, S., Tebbe, A., Schaab, C., Lavery, D.J., Howland, D., Kwak, S., Botas, J., Aaronson, J.S., Rosinski, J., Coppola, G., Horvath, S., and Yang, X.W. (2016). Integrated genomics and proteomics define huntingtin CAG length-dependent networks in mice. Nature Neurosci. 19: 623-633.



Veldman, M.B., Rios-Galdamez, Y., Lu, X.H., Gu, X., Qin, W., Li, S., Yang, X.W. and Lin, S. (2015). The N17 domain mitigates nuclear toxicity in a novel zebrafish Huntington’s disease model. Mol Neurodegener.. 10: 1-16.


Park, C.S. and Yang, X.W. (2015). Probing the stress and depression circuits with a disease gene. eLife. 4:e10829.


Estrada-Sanchez, A., Burroughs, C., Cavaliere, S., Barton, S., Chen, S., Yang, X., and Rebec, G. (2015). Cortical Efferents Lacking Mutant huntingtin Improve Striatal Neuronal Activity and Behavior in a Conditional Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease. J Neuroscience. 35: 4440-4451.


Gu, X., Cantle, J.P., Greiner, E. C.Y. Lee, C.Y.D., Barth, A.M., Gao, F., Park, C.S., Zhang, Z., Sandoval, S., Zhang, R., Diamond, M., Mody, I., Coppola, G., Yang, X.W. (2015). N17 Modifies Mutant Huntingtin Nuclear Pathogenesis and Severity of Disease in HD BAC Transgenic Mice. Neuron. 85: 726-741.

[UCLA Press Release]   [Striatal Network Browser]   [HD Buzz]


Peñagarikano, O., Lázaro, M.T., Lu, X.H., Gordon, A., Dong, H., Lam, H.A., Peles, E., Maidment, N.T., Murphy, N.P., Yang, X.W., Golshani, P., Geschwind, D.H. (2015). Exogenous and evoked oxytocin restores social behavior in the Cntnap2 mouse model of autism. Sci Transl Med.  271: 271ra8-271ra8



Lu, X.H., Mattis, V.B., Wang, N., Al-Ramahi, I., van den Berg, N., Fratantoni, S.A., Waldvogel, H., Greiner, E., Osmand, A., Elzein, K., Xiao, J., Dijkstra, S., de Pril, R., Vinters, H.V., Faull, R., Signer, E., Kwak, S., Marugan, J.J., Botas, J., Fischer, D.F., Svendsen, C.N., Munoz-Sanjuan, I., Yang, X.W. (2014) Targeting ATM ameliorates mutant Huntingtin toxicity in cell and animal models of Huntington’s disease. Sci Transl Med. 6:268ra178. PMID: 25540325

[ Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery]   [HD Buzz]


Wang, N., Gray, M., Lu, X.H., Cantle, J.P., Holley, S.M., Greiner, E., Gu, X., Shirasaki, D., Cepeda, C., Li, Y., Dong, H.W., Levine, M.S., Yang, X.W. (2014). Neuronal targets of mutant huntingtin genetic reduction to ameliorate Huntington’s disease pathogenesis in mice. Nature Medicine 20:536-541. [Cover Story].

[Nature Medicine Cover]   [Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Neuroscience]   [UCLA Press Release]   [Most Influential HD Research of 2014, HD Insights]   [HD Buzz]


Yang, X.W., Yamamoto A. (2014). CLEARance wars: PolyQ strikes back. Nature Neuroscience 17:1140-1142.


Haustein, M.D., Kracun, S., Lu, X.H., Shih, T., Jackson-Weaver, O., Tong, X., Xu, J., Yang, X.W., O’Dell, T.J., Marvin, J.S., Ellisman, M.H., Bushong, E.A., Looger, L.L., Khakh, B.S. (2014). Conditions and constraints for astrocyte calcium signaling in the hippocampal mossy fiber pathway. Neuron 82:413-429.


Rudnicki, D.D., Yang, X.W. and Margolis, R.L. (2014). HDL2 Mouse. Pp 573-583. In “ Movement Disorders: Genetics and Models. (Edited by Mark S. LeDoux). Academic Press (Elsevier): London, U.K.


Cui, Y., Ostlund, S.B., James, A., Park, C.S., Ge, W., Roberts, K.W., Mittal,N., Murphy, N.P., Cepeda, C., Kieffer, B.L., Levine, M.S., Jentsch, J.D., Walwyn, W.M., Sun, Y.E., Evans, C.J., Maidment, N.T., Yang, X.W. (2014). Targeted expression of m-opioid receptors in a subset of striatal direct-pathway neurons restores opiate reward. Nature Neuroscience 17:254-261.



Wang, N., Lu, X.H., Sandoval, S.V., Yang, X. W.  (2013). An Independent Study of the Preclinical Efficacy of C2-8 in the R6/2 Transgenic Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease. J. Huntington’s Dis. 2: 443-451.


Lee, C.Y., Cantle, J.P., Yang, X.W. (2013). Genetic manipulations of mutant huntingtin in mice: new insights into Huntington’s disease pathogenesis. FEBS J. 280:4382-4394.
Yue, Z., Yang, X.W. (2013) A dangerous duet: LRRK2 and α-synuclein jam at CMA. Nature Neuroscience 16: 375-377.


Southwell, A.L., Warby, S.C., Carroll, J.B., Doty, C.N., Skotte, N.H., Zhang, W., Villanueva, E.B., Kovalik, V., Xie, Y., Pouladi, M.A., Collins, J.A., Yang, X.W., Franciosi, S., Hayden, M.R. (2013). A fully humanized transgenic mouse model of Huntington disease. Hum Mol Genet. 22:18-34.


Daggett, A., Yang, X. W. (2013) Huntington’s Disease: Easing the NMDAR Traffic Jam.  Nature Medicine 19: 971-973.



Yu-Taeger, L., Petrasch-Parwez, E., Osmand, A., Redensek,A., Metzger, S. Clemens, L., Park,L., Howland, D., Calaminus, C., Gu, X., Pichler, B., Yang, X.W., Riess, O.,  and Nguyen, H.P. (2012). A novel BACHD transgenic rat exhibits characteristic neuropathological features of Huntington disease.  J Neuroscience 32:15426-15438.


Southwell, A.L., Warby, S.C., Carroll, J.B., Doty, C.N., Skotte, N.H., Zhang, W., Villanueva, E.B., Kovalik, V., Xie, Y., Pouladi, M.A., Collins, J.A., Yang, X.W., Franciosi, S. and Hayden, M.R.  (2012). A fully humanized transgenic mouse model of Huntington disease. Hum Mol Genet.


Shirasaki, D.I., Greiner, E.R., Al-Ramahi, I., Gray, M., Boontheung, P., Botas, J., Coppola, G., Horvath, S., Loo, J.A.*, Yang, X.W.* (2012). Network organization of the Huntingtin proteomic interactome in mammalian brain. Neuron 75, 41-57. (*co-corresponding authors)

[Neuron Video Abstract]   [HD Buzz]


Gafni, J., Papanikolaou, T., DeGiacomo, F., Holcomb, J., Chen, S., Menalled, L., Kudwa, A., Fitzpatrick, J., Miller, S., Ramboz, S., Tuunanen, P., Lehtimaki, K., Yang, X.W., Kwak, S., Park, L., Howland, D., Park, H., and Ellerby, L. (2012). Caspase-6 Activity in a BACHD mouse modulates steady-state levels of mutant huntingtin protein but is not necessary for production of a 586 amino acid proteolytic fragment. J Neuroscience 32, 7454-7465.


Cantle, J.P., Lu, X.H., Gu, X.F., Yang, X.W. (2012). Cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in pathogenesis of selective neurodegeneration in Huntington’s Disease. Frontiers in Biology 7: 459-476.


Lu, X., Yang, X.W. (2012). “Huntingtin Holiday”: Progress towards an antisense therapy for Huntington’s disease. Neuron 74:964-966.



Jiang, M., Wang, J., Fu, J., Du, L., Jeong, H., West, T., Xiang, L., Peng, Q., Hou, Z., Cai, H., Seredenina, T., Arbez, N., Zhu, S., Sommers, K., Qian, J., Zhang, J., Mori, S., Yang, X.W., Tamashiro, K.L., Aja, S., Moran, T.H., Luthi-Carter, R., Martin, B., Maudsley, S., Mattson, M.P., Cichewicz, R.H., Ross, C.A., Holtzman, D.M., Krainc, D., Duan,W. (2011). Neuroprotective role of Sirt1 in mammalian models of Huntington’s disease through activation of multiple Sirt1 targets. Nature Medicine 18, 153-158.


Miller, J., Arrasate, M., Brooks, E., Libeu, C.P., Legleiter, J., Hatters, D., Curtis, J., Cheung, K., Krishnan, P., Mitra, S., Widjaja, K., Shaby, B.A., Lotz, G.P., Newhouse, Y., Mitchell, E.J., Osmand, A., Gray, M., Thulasiramin, V., Saudou., F, Segal, M., Yang, X.W., Masliah, E., Thompson, L.M., Muchowski, P.J., Weisgraber, K.H., Finkbeiner, S. (2011). Identifying polyglutamine protein species in situ that best predict neurodegeneration. Nature Chemical Biology 7, 925-934.


Wilburn, B., Rudnicki, D.D., Zhao, J., Weitz, T.M., Cheng, Y., Gu, X., Greiner, E., Park, C.S., Wang, N., Sopher, B.L., La Spada, A., Osmand, A., Margolis, R.L., Sun, Y.E., Yang, X.W.. (2011). A novel antisense CAG repeat transcript at JPH3 locus mediating expanded polyglutamine protein toxicity in Huntington’s Disease-Like 2 (HDL2) Mice. Neuron 70, 427-440.

[Neuron Preview]   [HDSA Press Release]


Tao, J., Wu, H., Lin, Q., Wei, W., Lu, X.H., Cantle, J.P., Ao, Y., Olsen, R.W., Yang, X.W., Mody, I., Sofroniew, M.V., Sun, Y.E. (2011). Deletion of astroglial dicer causes non-cell-autonomous neuronal dysfunction and degeneration. J Neuroscience 31, 8306-8319.


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